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Kaya elders networking workshop at Pwani University 

The elders of the Kaya forests play a central role in the protection and conservation of these forest islands of the East African coastal forest. In a previous stakeholder workshop (hold at Pwani University, September 2022), it was already worked out that a stronger network of the elders is the basic prerequisite to strengthen their role as stewards and protectors of the forest and thus to ensure the conservation of these forest habitats. An elders networking workshop was therefore held at Pwani University in Kilifi from 13th to 16th August. In this workshop, the biological and cultural relevance of Kaya forests was first discussed and then the value of networks was debated. As a result, a process was established to form an elders committee to act together with a common voice to ensure the conservation of the forest islands for future generations and an intact landscape. The participants of this workshop were representatives of various GOs and NGOs from the field of nature and forest conservation, chiefs as well as elders from 11 different Kayas (of Kilifi and Kwale county): Kaya Ribe, Chonyi, Rabai, Fungo, Kambe, Jibana, Diani, Dzombo, Kauma, Mtswakara and Gandini. As well es repsresentatives from NMK CFCU, Nature Kenya, Kilifi County GovernmentKenya Forest Service, Kenya Wildlife Serve and Pwani University.